Here are your K of C free throw winners

L-R Emily O'Connor, Samantha Bashaw, Lucas Frenyea, Zane Bazzano, Conor Casey and Chairman Brian Mulcahy
By John T. Ryan
St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council 7273 conducted its annual free throw contest on Sunday, Janaury 25th. Chairman Brian Mulcahy congratulated the winners: Lucas Frenyea (10), Samantha Bashaw (11), Zane Bazzano (12), Emily O’Connor (12), and Conor Casey (13). The winners progress to the District competition to be held on February 8th at Holy Name School in AuSable Forks. District winners will progress to Conference, Upstate and New York State competitions. The Knights of Columbus Cadet Council at the West Point Military Academy will host the state competition.
Posted: January 25th, 2009 under General News.