This committee’s work is important to town’s future
Submitted by Adele Douglas
The Committee to Implement the Comprehensive Plan welcomes the public at all its meetings. The Committee usually meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month at 6:30 in the Town Hall. Meeting dates for the next month will be confirmed on the calendar in the Town Hall.
Based on the Comprehensive Plan, the Town’s consultant, Nan Stolzenburg, provided the Committee with a draft of a new zoning ordinance. The committee is reviewing the draft and suggesting changes. The updated draft will then be presented to the Town Board and public for further input, through meetings and public hearings (dates to be determined and published), a final draft will be adopted by the Town Board. Based on the Comprehensive Plan and additional input from a public Open Space Workshop in November ’08 and a follow-up drive through of town, the consultant drafted an Open Space Plan. The Committee is reviewing the draft and suggesting changes. The updated draft will then be presented to the Town Board and public for further input, through meetings and public hearings (dates to be determined and published). A final draft will be adopted by the Town Board, either as a stand alone plan or as part of the new zoning law.
If you have any questions please call Adele Douglas Secretary at 643-7863.
Posted: February 18th, 2009 under Planning Board News, Town Board News, Zoning Board News.