NYS plans Route 3’s future
The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Adirondack Park Agency today announced that a series of open house public information meetings have been scheduled in communities along the Route 3 corridor through the Adirondack Park, as the Department kicks off the Route 3 Travel Corridor Unit Management Plan (TCUMP).
The purpose of these information meetings is to receive public input regarding the planning process and the vision for possible outcomes of this effort. The meetings will include a 20 to 30 minute overview, followed by an opportunity to discuss and provide comments. Planning team members will be available following the program to discuss issues on an individual basis.
Meetings are scheduled as follows:Saranac Lake (Essex County)
Tuesday, August 24 Saranac Lake Free Library
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 109 Main St, Saranac Lake, NY
Tupper Lake (Franklin County)
Thursday, August 26 Goff-Nelson Memorial Library
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 41 Lake St, Tupper Lake, NY
Wanakena (St. Lawrence County)
Tuesday, August 31 SUNY-ESF Ranger School
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. State Route 3, Wanakena, NY
Town of Saranac (Clinton County)
Wednesday, September 1 Saranac Town Hall
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 3663 State Route 3, Saranac, NY
State highways in the Adirondack Park are the primary travel routes, while also serving as community main streets, utility corridors, gateways and interfaces with the park’s significant natural resources. A park-like experience, convenient access to park resources, connections with local communities and regional economies, and social needs like utilities and emergency services, are all tied to the transportation network. Having a greater understanding of the relationships that exist, and the needs to be addressed, can lead to greater opportunities to shape decisions and future actions along these travel corridors, and will promote a transportation system that supports this national treasure.
The TCUMP is a multi-agency plan that will help shape future transportation policy along Route 3 through the Adirondacks. With significant input from the communities along this corridor and other interested parties, the TCUMP will help the Department gain a better understanding of the needs of the overall corridor and undertake short- and long-term planning to achieve the goals necessary to fulfilling those needs.
NYSDOT is the lead agency developing the TCUMP, in coordination with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the Adirondack Park Agency (APA).
State Route 3 extends 106 miles through the Adirondack Park in St. Lawrence, Franklin, Essex and Clinton counties. Maps of the Route 3 Travel Corridor will be available to facilitate discussion. Written comments may also be submitted after the meeting.
All public information meeting locations are handicapped accessible. Open house attendees requiring a sign language interpreter, assistive listening system or other accommodations should contact Greg Grimshaw at (315) 785-2335.
Posted: August 20th, 2010 under General News.