November 2010

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Planning Board October minutes published

Richard Williams, Chair of the Town of Peru Planning Board, called the meeting of Wednesday, October 13th, 2010 at 7:00pm, to order.













MOTION: Mr. Wright made a motion to approve the September Minutes. Second by Mr. Holderman. ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Robinson – yes, Mr. Wright – yes,

Mr. Williams – yes. MOTION CARRIED.


Mr. Williams stated to the audience that this is a seven member board and we need four positive votes to pass any type of action and because there is not a full board if an applicant would like to table their application they may do so. No applicant opted to table their application.


3 Lot Minor Subdivision on Blake Rd.

Mr. Robinson was assigned to this application and explained the project. It was acknowledged that this applicant appeared before the ZBA on August 18th, 2010 and was granted a 58’ Area Variance with conditions as outlined in the August Minutes; to include the ZBA approval was contingent upon the approval of this application being heard tonight before this Planning Board. Mr. Blaine stated some particulars about the project, specifically noting the lot sizes in that area. The possible further development of this property was discussed and it was noted given the substantial amount of wetlands on the property and the topography of the land, it would be very difficult to develop this land any further. Mr. Blaine said this was a very good project. It was also noted, for the purpose of this subdivision, the house will be put on the right side of the property.

MOTION: Mr. Williams moved to declare this an unlisted action and name the Town of Peru Planning Board as lead agency. Second by Robinson.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Robinson – yes, Mr. Wright – yes,

Mr. Williams – yes. MOTION CARRIED.

Mr. Murnane went over the SEQR; the Planning Board concurred there are no negative impacts.

MOTION: Mr. Robinson moved to declare this a negative declaration. Second by Mr. Williams.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Robinson – yes, Mr. Wright – yes, Mr. Williams – yes. MOTION CARRIED.

MOTION: Mr. Robinson made a motion to approve the application. Second by Mr. Holderman.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Robinson – yes, Mr. Wright – yes, Mr. Williams – yes. MOTION CARRIED.


2 Lot Minor Subdivision & Merge on Mannix Rd.

Ms. Douglas was assigned to this application and noted that the minimum lot size in this zone is 37,500 sq. ft. yet the supporting sketch provided by the applicant indicates parcel #267.-2-19 as being 176.76’ x 203.96’ totaling 36,501.96 sq. ft. It was noted by Mr. Blaine that the applicant has extended the length of the lot to 183.86’, leaving the depth as indicated of 203.96’, thus making it a conforming lot in order for parcel #267.-2-21.5 to be merged with parcel #267.-2-19. There was not a new sketch submitted noting this change. Mr. Michael Boynton was present to answer any questions on behalf of the applicant and concurred with Mr. Blaine on the lot size. Mr. Spencer was also present and when asked if he had any future thoughts for the property he stated some day he may wish to build another home on the property.

MOTION: Mr. Holderman moved to declare this an unlisted action and name the Town of Peru Planning Board as lead agency. Second by Williams.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Robinson – yes, Mr. Wright – yes,

Mr. Williams – yes. MOTION CARRIED.

Mr. Murnane went over the SEQR; the Planning Board concurred there are no negative impacts.

MOTION: Mr. Wright moved to declare this a negative declaration. Second by Mr. Williams.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Robinson – yes, Mr. Wright – yes,

Mr. Williams – yes.


MOTION: Mr. Wright made a motion to approve the application under the following conditions:

  1. Parcel #267.-2-19, as outlined in sketch plan, to be amended to 183.86’ x 203.96’ thus becoming a conforming lot of 37,500 sq. ft., and in doing so, this said portion of parcel #267.-2-21.5 will be subdivided and merged with parcel #267.-2-19.
  2. Final maps/deeds are to be submitted to Mr. Murnane for his review.

Second by Mr. Robinson.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Robinson – yes, Mr. Wright – yes, Mr. Williams – yes. MOTION CARRIED.

2 Lot Minor Subdivision on Fuller Rd.

Mr. Pat Holcombe was present representing Mr. Curry. Mr. Wright was assigned to this application but abstained from presenting or voting on this application simply to avoid any possible conflict of interest due to Mr. Holcombe is a family member. Mr. Blaine explained the history of the property and explained the project. Mr. Paul Forshay, the prospective buyer of Lot #3 (shown on the map submitted by the applicant), was present and asked how this property was being subdivided. Mr. Blaine showed him the map via the photo presentation as to how his property is to be subdivided.

MOTION: Mr. Williams moved to declare this an unlisted action and name the Town of Peru Planning Board as lead agency. Second by Mr. Holderman.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Kanoza – yes, Mr. Robinson – yes,

Mr. Williams – yes.


Mr. Murnane went over the SEQR; the Planning Board concurred there are no negative impacts.

MOTION: Mr. Robinson moved to declare this a negative declaration. Second by Mr. Holderman.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Kanoza – yes, Mr. Robinson –yes, Mr. Williams – yes. MOTION CARRIED.

MOTION: Mr. Holderman made a motion to approve the application as submitted. Second by Mr. Robinson.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Kanoza – yes, Mr. Robinson – yes, Mr. Williams – yes. MOTION CARRIED.


Retail Business Office at 3691 Route 22.

Mr. Holderman was assigned to this application. Mr. Akey was present to explain the proposed project and the lay of the property. Mr. Akey stated the mobile home in which Mr. Phung plans to use as the office is currently in place on the specified lot as shown on the site plan submitted. He also noted it is currently hooked into the existing sewage. He also stated it will not be used for a residence. There was much discussion of the past application that was submitted and the concerns regarding sewage matters. Road frontage requirements and parking was discussed. Storage of old mobile homes was discussed and there were many concerns about the staging area. Mr. Williams went down through the Site Plan Review and many details were not answered to the satisfaction of the Board. It was ultimately established a more detailed site plan needs to be submitted in order for the Planning Board to make a well-informed decision for this project. Mr. Akey concurred and requested the application be tabled until more information can be obtained pursuant to the Site Plan Review.

MOTION: Mr. Williams, at the applicant’s request, made a motion to table the application until more information is obtained pursuant to the Site Plan Review. Second by Mr. Wright.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Robinson – yes, Mr. Wright – yes, Mr. Williams – yes. MOTION CARRIED.


2 Lot Minor Subdivision on corner of Patent Rd. & John Boswell Rd.

Mr. Kanoza was assigned to this application but he had an excused absence yet he did submit his findings and thoughts on the application to the Planning Board members. Mr. Blaine explained the project via the photo presentation. Mr. Schissler was present to answer any questions. He stated they met with the APA and the APA sees no issues and are waiting for this Planning Board’s approval.

MOTION: Mr. Holderman moved to declare this an unlisted action and name the Town of Peru Planning Board as lead agency. Second by Mr. Wright.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Kanoza – yes, Mr. Robinson – yes, Mr. Wright – yes, Mr. Williams – yes. MOTION CARRIED.

Mr. Murnane went over the SEQR; the Planning Board concurred there are no negative impacts.

MOTION: Mr. Wright moved to declare this a negative declaration. Second by Mr. Williams.

ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Kanoza – yes, Mr. Robinson –yes,

Mr. Wright – yes, Mr. Williams – yes. MOTION CARRIED.

MOTION: Mr. Holderman made a motion to approve the application contingent upon approval from the APA also noting the 90 days for the deeds/maps/plats to be submitted begins after the APA approval.

Second by Mr. Robinson. ROLL CALL: Mr. Holderman – yes, Ms. Douglas – yes, Mr. Kanoza – yes, Mr. Robinson – yes, Mr. Wright – yes, Mr. Williams – yes. MOTION CARRIED.


Mr. Williams stated he interviewed both Mark Lukens and Kara McBrayer and recommendations are being made to the Town Board. He also wanted it noted that each Planning Board member is required four (4) hours of continuing education and ask the Board members if they have any ideas about courses, seminars, training, etc. that could be done here in the Town of Peru. Mr. Holderman noted the Short Course, which is an on-line course and inquired as to whether that could count toward the four (4) hours. It was mentioned the Town Board does not necessarily monitor the member’s training but it is required and all training that needs to be approved by the state of New York. Ms. Douglas mentioned the DOS website for online training courses. Ms. Douglas also discussed adding Class 1, 2, 3 to the Planning Board application. It was agreed that was a good idea.


Mr. Blaine stated the September Building Monthly Report was not available via the presentation but will answer any questions the Board may have. There were no questions or comments. Mr. Robinson mentioned the High Peaks storage sign still being in place; Mr. Blaine stated he did talk to the owners and will address it again with them. He said he is prioritizing and enforcing more serious environmental issues of concern.


Mr. Williams moved for adjournment. All so moved.

Date filed with Town Clerk: 10/18/10