Leo Bourgois Golf Tournament proceeds will benefit Peru students
The 2nd Annual Leo P. Bourgeois Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, September 30th to raise funds for the scholarship in his name. The tournament will be held at Adirondack Golf & Country Club in Peru with registration beginning at 11 a.m. and a shotgun start at noon. The cost to enter the four person scramble tournament is $260 per team which includes greens fees for 18 holes, golf cart, gift bags, awards and a hors d’oeuvres reception following the tournament. Non-golfers and alumni are encouraged to attend the reception at a cost of $20.00 per person. Volunteers for the day of the tournament are also needed.
Over a career that spanned several decades, the late Leo Bourgeois or Mr. “B” as he was affectionately known, impacted the lives of hundreds of Peru Central School students, encouraging them to do their best and not to give up. For Mr. “B”, giving up on kids was not an option as their futures could not be seen. With his wisdom, warmth, humor and optimism, Mr. “B” gave students hope and helped them find their way.
In honor of Mr. “B”, several PCS alumni came together in 2010 to establish a scholarship in his memory for a deserving PCS Senior – a fitting tribute to a man who spent his life reaching out to students motivating them to be the best students possible for a brighter future. The first $1,000 scholarship was awarded this past June to PCS Senior, Abigail Jodi, who is pursuing a pre-med course at SUNY Albany in the fall.
The cost to become a tournament sponsor is $50 to $150. For more information about the tournament, entering a team, becoming a sponsor or to volunteer, contact Cheryl Breen Randall at 524-1192 or by email at cheryl.breen-randall@verizon.net.
Posted: September 1st, 2011 under General News.