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Comment from Rodney Brown Time October 16, 2011 at 8:57 pm
I know it is human nature to want to know the reason for the resignation of the former Superintendent, especially after such a short tenure, however, the Board is protecting the taxpayers by not releasing the information. The details of the severance package have been released. I trust the Board to make the right decision on our behalf. I have worked with most of these individuals and I know that they carefully explore the details before they make important decisions. I also understand that they were unanimous in their decision on this matter. I know that they are more disappointed than anyone that the Superintendent did not work out. The reality is that you just don’t know what you are getting when you hire someone from out of town, despite extensively checking references. I hope they consider a more local candidate as they consider their options for a permanent replacement.
Comment from Rodney Brown
Time October 16, 2011 at 8:57 pm
I know it is human nature to want to know the reason for the resignation of the former Superintendent, especially after such a short tenure, however, the Board is protecting the taxpayers by not releasing the information. The details of the severance package have been released. I trust the Board to make the right decision on our behalf. I have worked with most of these individuals and I know that they carefully explore the details before they make important decisions. I also understand that they were unanimous in their decision on this matter. I know that they are more disappointed than anyone that the Superintendent did not work out. The reality is that you just don’t know what you are getting when you hire someone from out of town, despite extensively checking references. I hope they consider a more local candidate as they consider their options for a permanent replacement.