January 2012

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Archive for January 26th, 2012

Board signs SPCA contract and delays sidewalk ice decision

The Peru Town Board took a few actions at its January 23, 2012 regular meeting. Actions included: Approval of the town’s annual contract with the Elmore SPCA. Tabling a contract with the Peru Free Library pending receipt of a proposed contract. Receiving prices to upgrade the town hall security system from a company named Security Concepts. […]

Totally Uncool; Climate change is making Vermont a “hottie,” and not in a good way

Totally Uncool | Seven Days.

Redistricting maps arrive: major changes proposed for North Country

Redistricting maps arrive: major changes proposed for North Country « The In Box.

Schumer blasts Medicare spending bill for its impact on local hospitals

Schumer blasts Medicare spending bill for its impact on local hospitals.

Warrensburg logger killed in accident

Warrensburg logger killed in accident.

DEC Proposes Killing More Bobcats

Adirondack Almanack: Phil Brown: DEC Proposes Killing More Bobcats.

Timothy Dowd changes plea, will serve 10 years for fatal DWI crash in Burlington

Timothy Dowd changes plea, will serve 10 years for fatal crash in Burlington | Burlington Free Press 

Lack of psychiatric care reaching crisis level

Lack of psychiatric care reaching crisis level » Local News » Press-Republican.

New Clinton County health director on board

New Clinton County health director on board » Breaking News » Press-Republican.

Little: Council ready to tackle mandate relief

Little: Council ready to tackle mandate relief – AdirondackDailyEnterprise.com 

Some local gov’t officials worried about meeting document law

Some local gov’t officials worried about meeting document law – AdirondackDailyEnterprise.com

Wind tower component shipment delayed in Peru

By John T. Ryan Peru Fire Department vehicles still have access to the Bear Swamp Road; however, the fire stations’s driveway was packed with tractors and trailers this morning. About 11 a.m. a crane was preparing to lift a giant wind turbine nacelle off one trailer and on to another.  Eight nacelles are being transported […]