January 2012

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State Senate OKs bill for removal of disruptive campground guests

The State Senate today approved legislation that would aid campgrounds wanting to remove disruptive guests. Because there is no law of this nature specific to campgrounds, courts have dealt with the issue by citing a landlord-tenant relationship, according to sponsor Senator Betty Little.“This legislation would bring campgrounds in line with what hotels and motels are able to do,” said Little.  “When guests or visitors become disruptive and a threat to other guests it’s important that when they are asked to leave the law backs up campground owners.  This legislation provides clarity.”

The legislation (S.4024) would authorize a campground owner to remove a person for a number of reasons including: the person is not a registered guest or visitor of the campground; has remained on the campground beyond an agreed-upon departure time and date; creates a disturbance that denies others of their right to quiet enjoyment of the campground; or violates any federal, state or local law. A person remaining on the campground could be guilty of trespass and removed by law enforcement.

A companion bill is sponsored by Assemblyman Steve Englebright of Long Island.  The Campground Owners of New York (CONY) endorses the legislation.