Ausable Point State Park is attracting more bird watchers than ever
The warm 2011-12 winter has resulted in many unusual happenings. The presence of three tundra swans (two adults and one juvenile) just offshore at the Ausable Point State Park is historic in that the swans typically overfly our region as they travel between Arctic and coastal waters. News stories describing their presence have appeared nationally resulting in the almost constant presence of bird watchers. Almost everyone had either cameras or binoculars in hand this morning. Vermonters appeared to be traveling to our region in large numbers to see the birds. One couple said they had driven over from Middlebury.
The three swans are beautiful to watch. Most of the time, at least one bird is one-half submerged in a search for food. They swam about 100 feet offshore and seemed oblivious to the attention they were attracting. (Click here to view more Peru Gazette photos)
Posted: February 8th, 2012 under General News, Peru/Regional History, Things to do in & near Peru.