June 2012

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300 Peru children will play summer baseball and softball and even more are expected to compete in fall soccer program

Lori Tetrault Phillips threw the Opening Day pitch

By John T. Ryan

There was a light drizzle Saturday morning, but that didn’t stop the Peru Youth Commission’s Annual Early Bird Tournament and the beginning of the Town of Peru’s summer sports programs. During June and July about 230 children ages 7-16 will be participating in baseball and softball while 70 children ages 5 and 6 will play T-ball.  Beginning in September about 350 children will be participating in the Commission’s fall soccer program.

The Peru Youth Commission’s programs involve a multitude of volunteers and a few paid personnel.  Volunteer parent coaches lead each team along with recreation assistants who are paid by the Town of Peru. The recreation assistants all must complete an application, go through an interview process and submit three reference letters.  Many teams also have additional parent volunteers.

The Peru Youth Commission consists of a Director, a Chairman and six members. Greg Mills is Chairman. The members include Brian Marino, Jim Reed, Kay Barber, Krista Brown, Michelle Post and Kristine Nuzzo. John Flynn is the Youth Director and Kathy Flynn is his Assistant.

Several local businesses and organizations support the Youth Commission and sponsor teams. Each player receives a t-shirt (with the sponsor’s name on the back) and a hat.

2012 sponsors include: Adirondack Farm, LLC, Agency Insurance, Boule/Spear Dentistry, Brooke and Irwin Insurance, Candyman Chocolates, Casella Waste, Forrence Orchard, Hamilton Funeral Home, Jay Kerley Insurance, J. Hogan Refrigeration, Langley Insurance, Little Pizza shop, Living Goods Restaurant, North Country Endontics, Patrick Remillard Logging, Peru Association of Teachers, Peru Lions Club, Peru Pharmacy, Peru Volunteer Fiore Department, Remillard Farms, St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council 7273 and X-PLO/E-Z STO. (Click here for larger photos) 

Volunteer Coaches

Commission Chairman Greg Mills

Tyler Andre played the National Anthem