June 2012

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Outgoing Board President Rod Driscoll to be recognized at Peru School Board meeting

Peru Central’s Board of Education launches its final regular monthly meeting for the school year on Tuesday, June 12th at 6 PM at the school district’s community room, adjacent to the main entrance of Peru High School.

An executive session associated with the performance history of particular employees, along with advice of counsel from the school attorney and a CSEA appeal hearing regarding a recent grievance matter will take place immediately following the 6 PM start. The school board is slated to reconvene for public session business at approximately 7:30 PM. It’s anticipated the school board will:

  • Recognize Board President Rod Driscoll’s decade of public service on the Board, with seven of those school years as President of the Board, elected by members of the Board to serve in that leadership role.
  • Receive the customary annual year-end reports on student achievement and student conduct initiatives from each grade span.
  • Consider authorizing the school district make use of one-time New York State Education Department grant monies to support a modest level of summer 2012 academic enrichment programs for students identified as eligible to be served through those particular one-time state grant funds summer 2012.
  • Receive and discuss the results of the May 2012 annual vote and election, including the results of the sixth annual Peru CSD voluntary voter exit survey.
  • Receive and discuss the final report on the comprehensive examination of Peru Central’s student transportation program, as part of the school board’s interest in sustaining a safe and solid transportation program as cost effectively as feasible.
  • Attend to the full range of regular monthly personnel matters, public reporting, new business and fiscal matters as is customary at regular monthly meetings.

As is customary at Peru CSD, a comprehensive packet of agenda documents will be available for members of the school community who attend the school board’s regular monthly meeting and the public hearing. A PDF copy of various reports & documents will be published on the district’s Web site Monday June 11th.