June 2012

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Welch, Owens Push to Speed Up Amtrak Travel

From the Office of Congressman Bill Owens

BURLINGTON – Representatives Peter Welch (VT-AL) and Bill Owens (NY-23) are pushing the Departments of State and Homeland Security to implement a pre-clearance process of Amtrak passengers traveling to and from the United States. In a letter sent Wednesday to Secretaries Clinton and Napolitano, the Congressmen argued that pre-clearing these law-abiding passengers would increase trade, security and cooperation with Canada.  Additionally, this would help to decrease dwell times at the border, improving ridership for Amtrak’s Adirondack line and increasing efficiency for future Vermont rail service to Montreal.
“As our largest bilateral trading partner, Canada supports an estimated 8 million U.S. jobs,” wrote Welch and Owens.

“In New York’s North Country alone, there are 13 border crossings responsible for the movement of more than $13 billion in annual bilateral trade between Canada and the U.S., supporting nearly 20,000 jobs in the region and contributing to more than 500,000 jobs across the state of New York. The four border crossings in Vermont are responsible for $4.1 billion in bilateral trade, helping to create 19,300 trade-related jobs in the state.”