June 2012

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Leading up to GOP debate and primary, does Doheny still support Romney’s agenda?

From the Office of the NYS Democratic Committee

NORTHERN NEW YORK – After accepting opponent Kellie Greene’s challenge to debate <http://adirondackdailyenterprise.com/page/content.detail/id/531217/Greene-to-Doheny–Let-s-debate.html?nav=5239>  in the lead up to the GOP primary in New York’s 21st Congressional race, New Yorkers want to know if Matt Doheny continues to stand by Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney’s agenda. Last year, Doheny pledged to support Romney and, upon receiving his endorsement in 2010, Doheny touted the former Massachusetts Governor’s “conservative economic policies and inspired leadership.”  

In March, Doheny released a statement praising the GOP budget that aims to eliminate Medicare as we know it, but said he would not vote for it because it doesn’t go far enough. Recently, Mitt Romney told Time Magazine that cutting too much, too fast would “throw us into another recession or depression.”

So, if asked in a debate, where does Matt Doheny stand? With Romney’s “conservative economic politics and inspired leadership” that cautions his own Republican party against cutting too much, too soon? Or is he willing to buck his own party’s leadership and move further to the right like he recently promised a tea party group in Washington County, saying “the whole world’s going to crush me when I vote the way you want me to vote. And all I’m asking is that starting on Nov. 7, 2012, and going forward, you have my back.”

“Voters deserve to know where Matt Doheny stands on this issue,” said Moreau Supervisor Preston Jenkins. “In light of Mr. Romney’s recent statements, does Doheny still believe that Romney’s economic plans are the best path forward?”


Doheny praises Mitt Romney. “Mitt Romney’s accomplishments are textbook examples of how conservative economic policies and inspired leadership yield a healthier organization…” [NewzJunky, 10/11/10 <http://www.newzjunky.com/news/1011doheny_romney.htm> ]

Doheny will support the GOP nominee. [Watertown Daily Times, 10/21/11 <http://www.watertowndailytimes.com/article/20111021/BLOGS13/111029970/-1/BLOGS13> ]

Doheny doesn’t support the House GOP Budget because it doesn’t go far enough. [North Country Now, 3/29/12 <http://northcountrynow.com/news/gop-congressional-candidate-doheny-says-ryan-budget-bill-passed-house-today-doesnt-go-far-enoug> ]

Romney cautions against cutting too much, too fast. “Well because, if you take a trillion dollars for instance, out of the first year of the federal budget, that would shrink GDP over 5%. That is by definition throwing us into recession or depression.  So I’m not going to do that, of course.” [TIME, 5/23/12 <http://thepage.time.com/2012/05/23/the-complete-romney-interview-transcript/>  ; see also: New York Magazine, 5/25/12 <http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/05/romneys-big-fat-wet-kiss-to-keynesian-economics.html> ]

Doheny Planned to Vote for Tea Party Agenda, Despite Opposition. In May 2012, Doheny asked the Washington County Tea Party Patriots to continue to support him when he received blowback for voting for their agenda. “It’s all great to get fired up here. We’ve got my man from Moriah. We’ve got my man from White Creek and Whitehall — all these different places all over here,” he said, referring to various people in the audience. “But you know what, the whole world’s going to crush me when I vote the way you want me to vote. […] And all I’m asking is that starting on Nov. 7, 2012, and going forward, you have my back.” [Post-Star, 5/25/12 <http://poststar.com/news/local/doheny-to-tea-party-group-tough-race-ahead/article_0f49829a-a6a1-11e1-aaef-0019bb2963f4.html> ; see also: Washington County Tea Party Patriots event, 5:19 <http://youtu.be/9hSdiWvgyXk?t=5m19s> , 5/25/12]

Doheny Shuns Centrist Label. At a May 2012 meeting of the Washington County Tea Party Patriots, several attendees “said they were concerned that Doheny, if elected, would give into pressure from GOP leadership and lobbyists and vote as a centrist.” Responding to their concerns, “Doheny asked tea party members to give him the chance to prove he’s conservative.” [Post-Star, 5/25/12 <http://poststar.com/news/local/d