June 2012

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Peru Board of Education Meets June 26th at 6 PM; Unanticipated Seat Vacant on This Region’s BOCES

The Peru Central Board of Education will gather briefly on Tuesday, June 26th at 6 PM in the community room adjacent to the high school main entrance for a special meeting predominately focused on the unanticipated vacancy on this region’s BOCES [Board of Cooperative Educational Services]. At Tuesday night’s special meeting, Peru’s Board of Education will discuss nominating a candidate for that vacant seat on the BOCES.

As is customary at this time of year just prior to the launch of the next fiscal year, the school board will consider other timely matters such as the annual bid award for refuse and recycling materials associated for the fiscal year that begins July 1st.

A. Paul Scott, Interim Superintendent of Schools, Peru CSD