August 2012

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Gazette unable to cover Town Board August 13, 2012 meeting; Here are the minutes of that meeting.

The regular meeting of the Peru Town Board was held on Monday, August 13, 2012 at the Peru Town Hall. Those present were Mr. Pete Glushko, Supervisor; Mr. Kregg Bruno, Councilman; Mr. Brandy McDonald, Councilman; Mrs. Susan Polhemus, Councilperson; Mr. Don Biggs, Town Attorney; Mrs. Judy Akey, Deputy Town Clerk. Also present Mr. Greg Timmons, Water/Sewer Superintendent; Mr. Michael Farrell, Highway Superintendent; Mrs. Adele Douglas, Grant Coordinator; and Ms. Pamela Barber, Secretary to the Board. Excused, Mr. James Douglass, Councilman.

The meeting was called to order at 7:03PM by Mr. Glushko, with the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Mrs. Polhemus, seconded by Mr. McDonald, to approve the minutes from the July 23,

2012 meeting. Ayes 4 Nays 0 Motion Carried Motion by Mr. McDonald, seconded by Mr. Bruno, to approve the minutes from the Special

Meeting of August 8, 2012 meeting. Ayes 4 Nays 0 Motion Carried

Motion by Mrs. Polhemus, seconded by Mr. Bruno, to include the reports from the following departments into the meeting record. Water/Sewer/Valcour; Highway; Town Clerk; Dog Control; Code/Zoning Report; Supervisor’s Report; Court Reports; Web Site Report; Banking Report and Enterprise Report. Ayes 4 Nays 0 Motion Carried

Community Input and Questions

Mr. Chip Blair asked if the Town of Peru had a Code of Ethics Policy or a committee to establish one. Mr. Glushko replied that we do have a Code of Ethics Policy and that it was in our Town Employee Handbook and no we do not have a committee to establish the policy.

Recognition of Dan Lennon Motion by Mr. Bruno, to pass resolution #12.8.13-1 congratulating Dan Lennon of Peru Central School on an outstanding year in cross country as well as indoor track being undefeated in Section VII in the 1600m and 3200m for the 2011 and 2012 seasons which includes league meets and sectional championships, and also has been the Section VII 800m champion for the 2011 and 2012 seasons, and

CONGRATULATING him for his New Balance Indoor Nationals 1st Place in the 5000m and the Fifth fastest high school indoor runner of all time (1st Team All American)

WHEREAS, success and superiority in competition are achieved through intense workouts, painstaking practices, educated coaching and support from family and community; and

WHEREAS, it is the practice of this board to recognize and commend those high school athletes within the Town of Peru that achieve the highest point of success in their sport; and

WHEREAS, Dan Lennon carries top rankings in the cross country and indoor track seasons; and WHEREAS, credit for this accomplishment also lies with coaches Allison Provost and Mike

Francia, whose diligent teaching provide the essentials for an Athletic Excellence; and

WHEREAS, Dan Lennon’s superior performance is evidence of his dedication, determination and intensity, his success stands as a hallmark of what is best in the athletic community, families and schoolmates within Peru, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Peru Town Board Members pause in their deliberation and publicly congratulate Dan “The Man” Lennon on the occasion of his stellar New York State Public High School Athletic Association Performances.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a Copy of this Resolution, suitably embossed be transmitted to Dan Lennon so that it can be displayed as evidence of true excellence.

Seconded by: Mr. Douglass, Mr. Glushko, Mr. McDonald and Mrs. Polhemus

Roll Call: Kregg Bruno-Yes James Douglass-Yes Peter Glushko-Yes Brandy McDonald-Yes Sue Polhemus-Yes Motion CarriedResolution Passed: I Hereby Certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution acted upon by the Peru Town

Board in regular session on the date of August 13, 2012. Peter Glushko, Town Supervisor

Court Clerk Hire Motion by Mr. McDonald seconded by Mr. Bruno, to pass Resolution # 12.8.13-3 to verify the appointment of Christine Hathaway by the Town Justices to the Part time Court Clerk position and re-establishing the Pay scale for this position

WHEREAS, the position of Part Time Court Clerk has been filled by the Town Justices and the Town Board deems the filling of this position to be necessary for the good of the Town, and the position is fully funded in the Town’s 2012 Budget,


RESOLVED, Christine Hathaway is hired as the part-time Court Clerk for the Town of Peru Court by the Peru Town Justices and the Town Board approves the appointment starting pay scale of Ten Dollars and Fifty Cents ($10.50) per hour for a work week of 20 hours,


RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Roll Call: Kregg Bruno-Yes James Douglass-Excused Peter Glushko-Yes

Brandy McDonald-Yes Sue Polhemus-Yes Motion Carried Court JCAP Grant

Motion by Mrs. Polhemus, seconded by Mr. Bruno, to pass Resolution # 12.8.13-2;

WHEREAS, the Town of Peru Town Board authorizes the Peru Town Court to apply for the 2012-2013 Justice Court Assistance Program (JCAP) Grant application with the New York State Office of Court Administration (OCA).

WHEREAS, it is further authorized that the Peru Town Court file for the 2012-2013 JCAP Grant to further improve safety during Court and regular Court office hours by installing and monitoring a DVR 4-Camera Surveillance System at a cost of $5,890.58 an Access Control/Panic Button System at a cost of $2,163.01 and improving the overall distinction and efficiency of the Court by purchasing (1) multifunction copier at $399.00; (2) Judicial Bench Model robes at $225.00ea., (1) new paper shredder at $149.99; and (2) Court Seal plaques at $127.95 each. The total amount that will be requested for this grant is $9,308.48.

RESOLVED, that the Peru Town Board has passed this resolution on August 13, 2012, approving the 2012-2013 JCAP Grant application to improve the overall safety and efficiency of the Peru Town Court. Roll Call: Kregg Bruno-Yes James Douglass-Excused Peter Glushko-Yes

Brandy McDonald-Yes Sue Polhemus-Yes Motion Carried

Heyworth Mason Park Historic Interpretive Sign

Mrs. Adele Douglas passed out information from Lakes to Locks Community Kiosks about a sign which would consist of two panels for $600.00. There will be one panel for the entire region and one panel If we wanted a bulletin board unit next to it, that we would change ourselves, the cost would be $1000.00 more. Question was brought up as to where to place the sign. Along Rt. 9 near AuSable Point Campground or at Little AuSable Park were some of the suggestions. Adele will contact the company for more information.

Safe Routes to Schools Meeting Recap

Mr. Glushko said that he had met Dr. Brimstein, the new Peru School Superintendent. They discussed the Safe Routes to Schools and how the Town could get another grant to put a sidewalk down Holden Avenue. Dr. Brimstein was interested and wanted to know what he could do.

Adele Douglas suggested a point of contact person at the school to communicate information to. Adele and Mike Farrell will be meeting with Mr. Gibbs, the Town engineer, on this project. Questions were brought up about cost for a crossing guard or a speed limit flashing sign or a crosswalk button stoplight or if anything else would be needed. Adele did say that the grant application needed to be sent out by the end of August.

Shared Fueling With Peru Central School

Mike Farrell checked into shared services on having Peru Central School get the fuel for the buses from the tanks at the highway garage. The school will save two cents a gallon from what they are paying now. The Town would bill the school once a month. The only additional cost would be the keys that the school would need of which the school would pay for. Mike will find out more on if this will work for both the school and the Town.

Employee Safety Issues Motion by Mr. McDonald, seconded by Mrs. Polhemus to accept the memo and letter on work attire that will take effect immediately, by following the Lovell Safety Group, our Workers’ Comp provider, that all Water/Sewer and Highway personnel will wear appropriate long pants and safety shoes while at work. This will be done to provide additional protection recommended by our insurer. This information will also be included in the Employee Handbook. Ayes 4 Nays 0 Motion Carried

Appointment of Fair Housing Officer Motion by Mr. McDonald, seconded by Mrs. Polhemus to pass Resolution # 12.8.13-4, to appoint a Fair Housing Officer to fulfill a Community Development Block Grant Project 902PR59-11 (South Acres Sewer Upgrade) requirement

WHEREAS, the New York State Office of Community Renewal has requested the appointment of a Fair Housing Officer as part of the requirements attached CDBG Project 902PR59-11 (South Acres Sewer Upgrade)

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Mr. Kregg Bruno, is appointed to act as the Fair Housing Officer for the duration

of the CDBG Project 902PR59-11.


RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Roll Call: Kregg Bruno-Yes James Douglass-Excused

Brandy McDonald-Yes Sue Polhemus-Yes

Peter Glushko-Yes

Motion Carried

Special Meeting for Comptroller Report Response Motion by Mr. Glushko, seconded by Mr. Bruno to schedule a Special Meeting on the Draft of the Comptroller’s Report Response, Thursday August 16, 2012 at 6:30PM. The meeting will be opened to adjourn the Board immediately to Executive Session as per the Comptroller’s suggestion to the confidentiality of the Draft until it is made for public notice. The Board will reconvene to work on the Employee Handbook.

2011 AUD Report Update

The comptroller’s suggested that we make sure that the AUD is as close as we can make it before the report is sent in.

Town CPA Services

The Town will be looking into getting someone who can give a bit more municipal services that are available to us.

2013 Town Budget Workshops

Mr. Glushko will be sending a proposed schedule of workshops for the 2013 Budget. Ms. Pamela Barber will send out the request information to the department heads by August 17th so the budget processes can begin.

Town Park Road Property Sale

Mr. Donald Biggs will be setting the information on this sale.

CDBG Project Update

The process for this project has been started. The most needed requirement of this process was appointing a Fair Housing Officer, which we have now done. We do need to talk to Mr. Labombard, the engineer on this project, about certain issues.

Employee Handbook Update

A draft of the handbook was submitted and there are a few things to finish up which will be done this Thursday August 16th.

North Bend Project Update

Greg talked with Mr. Biggs, the Town attorney, and presented an agreement to go with the letter of the easement for everyone that needs to sign. An offer of $500 for 4 trees and grass seed will be given once the easement is signed. Greg said the company doing the work will be coming back the beginning of September to finish the job.

Water Quality Improvement Project Update

The water project bid was postponed to give the contractors extra time to get the best prices from the vendors and also to allow for AES to review all the bids. Bids are scheduled to be opened at 10:00 AM on Wednesday August 22, with the potential awarding of the project at the regular meeting of the Town Board on Monday August 27th.

Spitfire Drive Update

No change in the development of this project.

Town Electric Bills

USG&E called to propose new energy savings on our electric and gas bill. Mr. Glushko will be looking into that company as well as others to determine if there is a savings, being budget time is here.

Town Hall Security Update

Security doors have been installed inside and out. The keys have been distributed and the finishing touches will be done soon. This along with the security cameras will make for a safe environment.

Other Business Motion by Mr. Bruno, and seconded by Mr. Glushko, to pay Ms. Pam Barber for the set up and the work involved with the Summer Concert Series. Mr. Glushko will voucher $500 for this month’s bills. Ayes 4 Nays 0 Motion Carried

Mr. McDonald mentioned that Mr. McBrayer had noted that Mr. John Flynn, the Town’s Youth Director, said that they were short 5 coaches for the soccer teams and that putting it on the web- site might help to fill these positions.

Mr. Glushko mentioned that there is a petition of over 100 names in the Strackville, Peasleeville and Patent road areas that would like to see Charter Cable come through there. There is such a need and Mr. Glushko will look further into this.

Mr. McDonald mentioned that someone should check into what can be done about the abandoned house on School Street. Teenagers have broken into it and are having parties and leaving all kinds of messes that it has become a health and safety issue not to mention the complaints from the neighbors and the numerous calls to that house by the State Troopers. Mr. McDonald showed pictures of the damage and messes since the door was wide open.

Mr. Glushko said that Mrs. Flynn, the Town Clerk, has two training sessions scheduled with the Peru Fire Department on the use of the Public Access Defibrillator (PAD), for the youth program employees.

No Smoking signs are ordered for all parks.

Mr. Timmons has checked into the prices for two Community Signs, one by the Gazebo and one at the Town Hall. He said he found them out of the area for $14,000 and locally for $18,000. The sign at the Town Hall would be programmed at the Town Hall and the one by the Gazebo would be controlled by a laptop. More information to come.

Community Input of Agenda Items


Motion by Mr. McDonald, seconded by Mr. Glushko, to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:44PM. Ayes 4 Nays 0 Motion Carried

_________________________Supervisor _________________________Councilman _________________________Councilman _________________________Councilman _________________________Councilman __________________________Deputy Town Clerk