Congressman Bill Owens responds to Matt Doheny’s Medicare ideas
After 363 days of refusing to talk about Medicare, Matt Doheny has finally owned up to his support for dismantling the Medicare program and sending seniors into the private insurance market. In the incorrectly titled “Bipartisan Ideas on Preserving Medicare,” Doheny advocates for the purchase of private plans with Medicare dollars, but “in all instances, the federal government should pay insurers directly.” He goes on to say “This is not a voucher program,” in reference to Paul Ryan’s plan to force Medicare beneficiaries to purchase private health insurance with a voucher.
“He’s saying it’s not a voucher program,” said Congressman Bill Owens. “But it’s a distinction without a difference. The government can give a senior a voucher to buy insurance on the private market, or it can pay the private insurer directly. Either way, it’s privatization and it ends the Medicare guarantee.”
“My opponent wants to turn Medicare into subsidized private insurance. Paul Ryan and Matt Doheny have their priorities wrong – we need to strengthen Medicare and reduce costs to ensure better outcomes.”
Posted: September 19th, 2012 under Congressional News, General News.