November 2013

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Peru Voters Supported NYCO in Willsboro and Rejected Extension of Judges Retirement Age

Peru voters agreed with their fellow New Yorkers on Tuesday, November 5th voting “YES” on five of the six propositions to amend the State Constitution. As might be expected local voters overwhelming favored the land exchange proposed by NYCO in Willsboro.

Prop. 1 Most forms of gambling are illegal in New York — except the lotto, horse racing, bingo, and games of chance. This proposal would amend the state constitution to legalize gambling, but limit the total number of casinos statewide to just seven.

Peru – Yes: 851 (67%) No:  416 (23%) 

Statewide  Yes: 57%, No: 43%

Prop. 2 Veterans who take the civil service exam are eligible for 5 extra points the first time they take the test, and 10 extra points if they are disabled. This proposal would make it easier for disabled veterans to get extra credit points if they are certified disabled after they take the test for the first time.

Peru – Yes: 1015 (83%) No: 209 (17%)

Statewide – Yes: 84% , No: 16% 

Prop. 3 This proposal would allow towns, cities, and counties to dispose of their waste without fear of exceeding their debt limit. Legislation excluding “sewer debt” from debt limits was first enacted in 1963, but only for a certain number of years. This proposal would extend the practice through 2024.

Peru – Yes: 770 (65%) No: 410 (35%)

Statewide – Yes: 62%, No:  38%

Prop. 4 This proposal would settle a number of land disputes that have persisted for more than a hundred years in Hamilton County. If passed, the state would relinquish its old claim on land in exchange for new forest land to be added to Adirondack Park. 

Peru – Yes: 891 (74%) No: 312 (26%)

Statewide – Yes: 72%, No:  27% 

Prop. 5 This proposal would give 200 acres of Adirondack Park land, and permission to mine that land, to the private mining company NYCO minerals with the understanding that NYCO would give the same amount of land to a forest preserve, and would also restore and return the 200 acres to the state upon completion of mining.

Peru – Yes: 1013 (82%) No: 222 (18%)

Statewide – Yes: 53%, No: 47% 

Prop. 6 Supreme Court justices and Court of Appeals judges are now required to retire at age 70; this proposal would extend the age of mandatory retirement to 80.

Peru – Yes: 432 (35%) No: 795 (65%)

Statewide – Yes: 39%, No: 61%