Peru Drama Club to Perform December 6 ad 7
Come one, come all to Peru Jr./Sr. High school on December 6th and 7th at 7:30p.m. The Peru Drama Club proudly presents Up the Down Staircase written by Christopher Sergel from the book by Bel Kaufman. Tickets can be purchased for just $5.00 per person.
Sylvia Barrett, a young English teacher is offered a position at Calvin Coolidge High School. Between the overcrowded classroom, the obnoxious requests from the school, and barely being able to take attendance the first day, she knows this will be difficult. Fortunately, she gets support from her co-workers and best friend. Throughout teaching here, she learns that these students are more complex than she could ever imagine. This makes her question the definition of teaching, and what it is all about. Through her struggles, she gets in trouble with administration, and helps the students with any struggles, and helps them to become the best they can be.
Will Sylvia inspire her students? Will Alice ever confess her love to her crush? Will Joe Ferone become a drop out? Will he ever be able to go up the up staircase? Come to the show to find out!
The Cast:
Anna Hogan as Sylvia Barrett
Alyssa Murphy as Bea Schachter
Brady Terry as Joe Ferone
Ross Coughin as Paul Barringer
Jenny Cibula as J.J. McHabe
Gabby Dion as Alice Blake
Sophia Defayette as Ellen
James Matthews as Lou Martin
Reece Bernard as Lennie Neumark
Aaryn Clark as Jose Rodriguez
Grace Hewston as Carole Blanca
Alexis Wilson as Linda Rosen
Adriana Hamm as Jill Norris
Jesse Cote as Charles Arrons
Alex Dumas as Rusty O’Brien
Kelsey Attenhofer as Rachel Gordon
Danielle Criss as Edwina Williams
Mason Barber as Harry A. Kagan
Danielle Brothers as Fran Gardner
Allison St. Louis as Katherine Wolzow
Kimberly Wagner as Vivian Paine
Megan DeLaMater as Elizabeth Ellis
Colby Fortin as Carrie Blaine
Grace Betrus as Helen Arbuzzi
Conner Agoney as Mr. Samuel Bester
Miranda Smith as Frances Egan / Charlotte Wolf
Hadley Houck as Ella Friedenberg / Sadie Finch
Devin Wood as Dr. Maxwell Clarke
Posted: November 27th, 2013 under Arts and Entertainment, General News, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments, Peru School News, Youth News.