Peru Community Church Pastor Announces Forthcoming Retirement
The following message appears in the Peru Community Church’s February newsletter
From the Pastors Desk January 2015
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
I have at my home and in my office a cup that reads: “YES, NO, MAYBE.” It best describes my feelings about a decision I have been struggling with for the past year. The focus of my struggle has been concerning the length of my stay at the Peru Community Church. I have now reached a decision, and on January 22nd I informed the Official Board of my decision to resign as Pastor effective August 31, 2015. I would like to state unequivocally that my decision to retire is in response to my own inner voice. I am 79 years old this February, I do not have the energy I once had and have reached that point in my life when I am ready to spend some quiet time and quality time with my children. It was a very difficult decision to make on one hand because of my love for this Church and many of its members, and the part of me which is ready to slow down and learn to relax. I wish the Church and its members the very best as you seek to discover what God has for your future.
Posted: January 31st, 2015 under General News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments, Peru/Regional History, Religious News.