September 2015

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The Adirondack 102 Club Sounds Fascinating

Saturday, October 10, 1:00 p.m. at the Alice T. Miner Museum 

Chazy, New York – Join author and historian Marty Podskoch for a talk about his latest project, the Adirondack 102 Club, that encourages people to visit all 102 towns and villages in the Adirondacks.

The idea for the 102 Club began after Podskoch read about Dr. Arthur Peach of Vermont who, in 1954, suggested the idea of an informal group, the Vermont 251 Club, to veer off the beaten path and “discover the secret and lovely places that main roads do not reveal.” Podskoch believed the Adirondacks would benefit from a similar club. 

Podskoch worked with residents to describe their towns’ and villages’ location, history, and important points of interest, feeling that the perspective of locals would provide unique insights into the locations featured in the book. He has also traveled extensively in the Adirondacks, visiting all 102 towns and villages and gathering material for his five books on Adirondack fire towers, the Civilian Conservation Corps camps, and Adirondack lore, and will share the joys of fully experiencing the Adirondacks and getting to know its people and places.

Marty Podskoch has authored six other books: Fire Towers of the Catskills: Their History and Lore, 2 volumes of the Adirondack Fire Towers: Their History and Lore, the Southern Districts and the Northern Districts and also Adirondack Stories: Historical Sketches and Adirondack Stories II: 101 More Historical Sketches. He was awarded the Arthur E. Newkirk ADK Mountain Club Education Award in 2013 for achievement in chronicling the social history and lore of the Catskills and Adirondack fire towers and of the Adirondack Civilian Conservation Corps camps.