Derrick to Attend Peru Democrats Meeting
A Message from Democratic Party Town of Peru Chairman- Brandy McDonald
The next meeting for the Peru Democratic Party will be on Thursday, February 25, at 7:00PM.
Location will be the Peru Town Hall
I am very happy to announce that the schedule of our candidate for Congress, Mike Derrick, is such that he will be able to attend our Thursday evening meeting. He will give an update on his campaign and answer your questions. Make sure that you don’t miss this opportunity to meet our candidate in his home town setting. This is the time to show our dedicated support.
To those who have been selling the April Raffle tickets, please make arrangements to turn the money collected over to Jean Schiffler. 643-8575 or
Posted: February 23rd, 2016 under General News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments.