February 2016

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Elmore SPCA vs. Peru Town Board

By John T. Ryan

Peru – If history is a guide, when a matter involving Elmore SPCA is included in a Peru Town Board meeting agenda, a controversy is likely to ensue. The Monday, February 22, 2016 Board meeting was no exception.

During the “Public Comments on Agenda Items Only” portion of the meeting, Elmore SPCA Board President Laurie Parsons asked why the Board was proposing to take on the burden of providing the SPCA with a detailed dog licensing report when only 32 Peru dogs were redeemed in 2015. Parsons expressed frustration that the Town Board had not communicated with the SPCA Board about the change saying that she learned about the proposal from a newspaper reporter.

The agenda proposal is related to a Christmas Eve 2015 incident. In accordance with its policy, the SPCA asked a stray dog’s owner for a copy of the dog’s license prior to releasing the dog. When the owner could not produce a copy, the SPCA would not release the animal. A relative of the owner asked Counselor James Douglass, the Town Board’s SPCA liaison, for assistance. Douglass contacted Dog Control Officer David Drollette who confirmed that the dog was properly licensed. The SPCA still insisted on viewing the license. The dog was finally released after 4 p.m. when Town Clerk Kathleen Flynn opened her office to provide a license copy to Jim Douglass who brought it to the SPCA manager.

At the Town Board’s February 8th meeting, the possibility of providing the Elmore SPCA with copies of all licenses or a license list was discussed. Subsequent to that meeting Town Clerk Kathleen Flynn said she could easily generate a Summary Licensing Report containing all the information included on a dog license. That proposal was included on this meeting’s agenda. Dog License Report Format

Laurie Parsons expressed concern that the NYS agency regulating the SPCA (The Department of Agriculture and Markets) would not be satisfied with the town’s proposed procedure. She said, “The listing is not a document we would find acceptable.” Supervisor Peter Glushko reacted saying the Town Board was simply trying to expedite returning dogs to town residents. He cited Section 122 of Agricultural and Markets Law, which designates towns as the official dog-licensing agencies. Glushko said he had conferred with an Agriculture and Markets attorney who did not raise any objection to the proposed procedure. Laurie Parsons said she had talked to an Agricultural and Markets attorney, but he was not willing to put his opinion in writing. The SPCA did not consult its own legal counsel. Town Attorney Donald Biggs said he would research the issue.

Counselor James Douglass apologized for not communicating with the SPCA regarding the Summary Licensing Report. He said, “The SPCA is a great organization. You’re in the Town of Peru. We want to get along.” Douglass promised he would communicate with Laurie Parsons and SPCA Board Secretary Carol Solari-Ruscoe on all future proposals. Solari-Ruscoe commented, “We’re more than happy to work with the town…One thing I would definitely stress is that you communicate with us and not after the fact. That has been a major, major craw in our throats.”

Following adjournment of the Town Board meeting informal discussions continued between Parsons, Flynn, Douglass and other Elmore SPCA Board members. Only time will tell if improved communication actually takes place.

Initiating the Summary License Report requires a change in the Peru Dog Law. A Public Hearing was scheduled for Monday, March 14th at 6:30 p.m.