January 2019

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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McDonald’s in Peru Has A New Look

Easy easy to pick out your favorite Happy Meal toy

By John T. Ryan 

Peru – McDonald’s fans who have visited any of the chain’s newest restaurants are undoubtedly familiar with its new kiosk ordering option. Just before Christmas, (November 26 – December 21)  four kiosks, new booths with a new color scheme, new order counters and menu screens were installed at McDonald’s in Peru. The restrooms were also totally renovated. 

General manager Juli Favreau said the the kiosk ordering system is user friendly. She said, “Customers are catching on. My regulars come in every morning and do it by themselves. We try to keep someone outside the counter to help. We’re trying to make it an easy transition.”  

Customers ordering at the kiosks can either have food delivered to their table or pick it up at the counter. Some people don’t care to use the kiosk.  Juli said, “We don’t force anyone to use it.” She added, “A few people think the machines are taking over from people.  We’ve actually had to hire more people.” The restaurant has 42 full and part-time staff members.