Jones Co-Sponsors Bill To Assist Federal Employees
From the office of Assemblyman Bill Jones
Assemblyman Jones: Hardworking employees shouldn’t be collateral damage of federal shutdown
“As the federal government shutdown enters its fourth week with no end in sight, we must remember the thousands of federal employees in New York State who have no idea when their next paycheck will come.
This is a devastating time of uncertainty, especially for those who have families to look after. In addition, while the shutdown drags on, the North Country small businesses that fuel our economy are also suffering because their customers no longer have money to spend. Hardworking public employees and their families don’t deserve to get caught in the crossfire of this fight.
“That’s why I co-sponsored and helped pass legislation to give affected federal employees more time to pay their property taxes. The measure would allow local governments to extend the payment deadline, with no penalties or interest, until 90 days after the shutdown ends (A.881). It’s the least we can do here in the Assembly to lend a hand during this tough time.
“New York’s hardworking federal employees need to start receiving their paychecks again. While we may not be able to reopen the federal government, we’ll do everything we can to cushion the blow, because the stakes are too high to sit idly by.”
Posted: January 18th, 2019 under State Government News, State Legislator News.