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VFW Announces Kick-Off of Annual Scholarship Competition

H.S. Students compete for $2 million in scholarships & incentives   

Albany NY September 1, 2019    Department of New York Veterans of Foreign Wars Commander Thomas Todaro, and Youth Recognition & Scholarship Chairman  Wally Zincio announced the kick-off of this year’s VFW’s  sponsored Voice of Democracy Essay  Competition. All New York State high school students have the opportunity to compete for more than $ 150,000 dollars in scholarships & prizes and a trip to Washington, D.C. and Valley Forge PA.

      Students must write and record a three-to-five minute essay on the selected theme using an audio CD or flash drive and present their recording, typed essay and completed entry form to their local participating VFW Post by Midnight Oct. 31. The 2019/20 theme selected is “ What Makes America Great” Students begin by competing at the local Post level with an entry deadline of Oct. 31St. Post winners than compete at the District level with the winner advancing to the state competition. 

The essay winners chosen at each level will receive cash awards.  The state competition winners will receive up to $8,000 scholarship awards as follow;

First place $2,500

Second place $1,500

Third place $1,000

Fourth place winners $500 each

      The Dept. of New York 1st. place winner will then be advanced to the National competition.  

All state first-place winners receive a four day trip to Washington, D.C. and the chance to compete for their share of more than $150,000 in scholarships. The first-place winner receives a $30,000 college scholarship. The Dept. of New York. 1st. place winner will also be offered a trip to Valley Forge P.A. to attend a leadership seminar, Freedoms Foundation.

      Please visit  for detailed contest rules and applications. 

The National Association of Broadcasters (NBA) started the Voice of Democracy Scholarship program in 1947. The VFW became a national sponsor in the late 1950s and assumed sole responsibility for the program in 1961. The competition was created to provide students grades 9-12 the opportunity to express themselves in regard to democratic ideas and principles.  Around 40,000 students participate in the competition each year and the VFW awards more than $2 million dollars scholarships every year.

High School teachers, guidance counselors, parents or students with questions, please contact:

Judy Lefebvre,

VFW Auxiliary Peru Memorial # 309

518-563-7558 or 518-593-5628