September 2019

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Stefanik Opposes “Green Light Law”

From the office of Congresswoman Elise Stefanik

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Stefanik has signed onto a letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ) led by Congressman Lee Zeldin (NY-1) along with each member of New York’s Republican Congressional Delegation. The letter is in opposition to New York’s controversial “Green Light Law,” enacted on June 17, 2019, which allows issuance of a driver’s license to illegal immigrants. Out of the 12 states with similar laws, New York’s is among the least restrictive and least monitored.

“I’m very concerned with New York’s controversial and ill-advised Green Light Law,” said Congresswoman Stefanik. “This reckless legislation, which a majority of New Yorkers oppose, will hamper efforts to enforce federal immigration laws and has the potential to enable rampant voter fraud in our state. The Republican New York delegation stands united in insisting the Department of Justice review the constitutionality immediately, and I stand united with our North Country county clerks in opposition to this law.”

In part, the Members said:

“More than 60% of New York State county clerks who administrate DMV offices are concerned about the consequences of implementing the Green Light Law and many are refusing to comply altogether. The implementation of this new law will also create increased strain on local counties with already limited resources. The supporters of this new law say it is important for public safety concerns that all drivers have a license. However, withholding information from federal law enforcement poses a greater security risk for information sharing efforts that could identify and remove criminal aliens.

“Governor Cuomo has admitted this is a “difficult legal question” that requires a legal resolution. While there is no precedent for individuals with enough standing to challenge other states that provide similar privileges for individuals who are not in the country legally, New York State county clerks are in a unique position. In New York, the duties of the DMV are primarily administered by county clerks who are elected, and under the New York State Constitution, can be removed by the Governor.[1] Therefore, it is critical the legal concerns regarding the Green Light Law are resolved before the law takes full effect. That is why we seek support from the Department of Justice in litigation against the Green Light Law to ensure the full enforcement of federal immigration laws and protection against voter fraud in New York State.”