September 2019

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Happy Travelers

By John T. Ryan

Peru – Two of the friendliest people at this year’s Applefest were visitors. If you or your kids played the baseball speed game or water squirt game you met Anthony or Colleen Doty. While the Dotys call Saranac Lake home, they’re on the road for over 6 months each year. Anthony said, “My father Harry Doty operated a carnival. I’ve been working in one or running one for 45 years. I quit school when I was 14.” Harry said he came to the Applefest several years ago with his own carnival. Now he works for someone else.

Harry Doty met Colleen 40 years ago at a carnival near her Long Island home. The couple has been together ever since. From March through October they’re usually on the road spending nights in a camper located not far from the games they operate. Back home in the North Country, their two daughters have given them five grandchildren.

The Dotys infectious smiles and warm spirits undoubtedly make them successful game operators. Anthony’s balloon prizes were the proud possessions of many kids at the Applefest. The Dotys appear to enjoy their chosen path in life. It’s the only way of life they’ve ever known.