September 2019

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Highlights of Peru Town Board Meeting of September 23, 2019

The Board:

Awarded a $120,480 bid to Luck Brothers Inc. to replace the damaged Patent Rd. culvert. The Town of Peru is purchasing the box culvert at a cost of $143,500. Total cost: $263,980 not including the temporary repairs already performed.

Awarded a bid of $8,000 to New Image Roofing (Chad Rivers) to replace shingles on the Town Court House building. This price includes the price of 50-year shingles. Two other bids were received in the amount of $11,400 and just over $24,000.

Approved a residence address change from 47 to 52 Washington St. The change was required to comply with the 911 emergency response system.

Discussed anti-discrimination and sexual harassment training. Town personnel and Zoning /Planning Board members must complete the training no later than October 9, 2019.

Scheduled a Monday, October 21st 5:30 p.m. workshop on the sewer system project.

Accepted Nick Zagrodzki’s resignation from the Planning Board. His term is up. He will receive a formal letter of thanks for his service to the Town of Peru. Both the Zoning and Planning Boards are appealing to residents to volunteer to serve on the very important boards.

Cancelled the scheduled December 23rd Regular Board Meeting. The last meeting of the year will be held on December 30th at 6 p.m.

Other Business:

Water/Sewer Superintendent Courtney Tetrault reported replacing a fire hydrant, four valve boxes, and 116 ft. of sidewalk on Pleasant Street. The hydrant had been out of operation for several years.

Tetrault’s personnel will flush fire hydrants beginning October 1st. NY State D.E.C. will be inspecting the water and sewer plants on October 10th beginning at 9:30 a.m.

Drainage issues must be resolved before the Washington Street Extension can be approved. Neither NYS DEC nor the Army Corps of Engineers have approved a correction plan. Disposing and controlling storm water runoff is the main issue.

Dog Control Officer Dave Drollette reported that 37 dog licenses were issued n the past few days. He found several unlicensed dogs at the Fire Department’s recent rabies vaccination clinic.

Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell said Peru and several towns cooperated with New York State DOT on the Route 22B pavement grinding operation from the Route 22 – Route 22B intersection to the Staley Road. The towns hauled away millings. Peru uses millings on road shoulders. Farrell said millings are more stable than gravel on steep hills that are subject to frequent runoff. He estimated that Peru hauled away 1,000 to 1,500 yards. The millings will be screened prior to use. The seven mile paving operation should be completed over the next two weeks.