September 2019

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Jim Langley Is Not Seeking Reelection

By John T. Ryan

Peru – Peru Town Councilman Jim Langley is not seeking reelection to his seat on the Peru Town Board. Langley said, “I”m a grandfather and I’m going to be a grandfather again. (Langley’s daughter Tiffany is expecting her second child). It’s been long enough. I’ve appreciated my time in politics and that people thought I had something to offer.” Langley also believes the current town board has the best interests of the town in mind.

Jim Langley was elected to town office four years ago following 17 years as a Clinton County Legislator, the last 13 years as the legislature’s chairman. Langley was known for successfully working with both major parties. As he said, “I didn’t worry about the party side of things.”

Two Town Council’s seats will be on the the November ballot – Langley’s and Rick Barber’s. Both are Republicans. Peru Democrats nominated former Councilman Kregg Bruno. Peru Republicans renominated Rick Barber. Both parties sought additional candidates, but two individuals withdrew their names at the last moment; therefore, both Barber and Bruno will be unopposed on November 5th.