September 2019

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Stefanik Announces EDA Grant for Former Clinton County Airport Site

From the office of Congresswoman Elise Stefanik

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Elise Stefanik has announced grant funding for the former Clinton County airport site from the U.S. Economic Development Administration. The $1,500,000 in new funding is anticipated to create 150 new jobs and leverage $15 million in private investments. As a result of the funding, 30 acres of a former airport will be re-developed, including the construction of new road and stormwater infrastructure.

“This new funding is a great opportunity for the town of Plattsburgh,” said Congresswoman Stefanik. “These are competitive grants, and I applaud all of the local government officials and partners who put in a great effort to re-develop this area and bring economic diversification to Clinton County. I am proud to be an advocate for economic development in the North Country, and I will continue to be an outspoken supporter of these initiatives in Congress.”

“The redevelopment of the old airport site as a ready industrial park has been a strategic priority of the County, Chamber, town and Development Corporation,” said Garry Douglas, President of the North Country Chamber of Commerce. “Norsk Titanium and Monaghan Medical got things started, providing an amazing cornerstone for the future, and now this federal support will allow the roadway access and other infrastructure required to position the site for ready development by other companies in the years ahead. The local partnership has been extraordinary, including matching funds from the county, town and TDC together, as has the active partnership of Congresswoman Stefanik and Senators Gillibrand and Schumer, including meetings with each of them in Washington in May and steady communication all along the way. We thank them as well as the EDA for their partnership and confidence.  Onward and upward!”

“This grant award is of great importance to Clinton County, and is the direct result of collaboration of many agencies and organizations,” said Clinton County Legislature Chairman Harry McManus. “The funding will allow the County to extend a road and related infrastructure to the interior of the former Clinton County Airport property – a property that is in high demand for purchase and development by private companies, and all the promise of job creation and economic progress that would occur.  This award is only possible with the cooperation of and contributions by Clinton County, the Town of Plattsburgh, The Development Corporation, and the North Country Chamber of Commerce.  Economic development is a priority for Clinton County and this grant award marks a tremendous step forward in our vision for the future.”