Maplefields and Orchard View Plan Major Peru Investments

Proposed Maplefields

Proposed Maplefields
By John T. Ryan
Investors continue to believe in Peru’s future. On Wednesday, January 8th, the Planning Board will consider two proposals that should fuel Peru’s residential and commercial growth.
The Planning Board agenda includes R.L. Vallee’s plan to replace its current Maplefields building at 654 Bear Swamp Rd. with a new building. The Town granted Vallee permission for the project in 2017, but the project was not initiated. Code Enforcement Office Bob Guynup said Vallehopes to begin this project in March 2020. The new building would double the existing square footage from 2,700 to 5,450 square feet. That’s about 1,750 square feet larger than Peru’s new Stewart’s Shop. Subway would still be located in the Maplefields building.
Winter Lane LLC/Orchard View Subdivision will also outline its plans to satisfy regulatory requirements related to its Washington Street expansion project. Code Enforcement Officer Bob Guynup said the Town, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers have had compliance issues with the project. They include sidewalk width, street width and storm water retention. An agreement between the Town and developer William Sawyer on sidewalk and street width issue has been reached with a bond posted to ensure compliance; however, storm water handling is still outstanding. The retention basin at the base of the Washington Street hill is one of the issues. Sawyer is requesting approval for a temporary basin at another location. Sawyer had planned to construct four new homes last year.
Posted: January 2nd, 2020 under Business News, Peru News, Planning Board News.