Peru Courthouse is now The Kelley Courthouse

Joe Kelley

Peru Town Board with Tim Kelley and Mary Kelley Sharland

L-R William Russell, Peter Keenan, Justice Jim Kirby, Mary Kelley Sharland, Justice Lawrence Cabana, Tim Kelley, Rev. Alan Shnob, Donald (Jeff) Pescia
By John T. Ryan
Peru – Monday, December 30, 2019 was a special night as the Peru Town Board held a regular meeting at the Peru courthouse and passed a resolution naming it The Kelley Courthouse in honor of longtime Peru resident Joe Kelley. Town Supervisor Brandy McDonald and Counselors Jim Douglass, Rick Barber and Melvin Irwin voted 4-0 in favor of the resolution.
Joe Kelley’s life was devoted to service of country, community, family and faith. A World War II veteran, Kelley served in the U.S Navy (1943-46). A graduate of the College of Holy Cross and the Albany Law School he served as U.S. Commissioner of Plattsburgh, County attorney, County welfare attorney and three terms as Clinton County’s first full-time district attorney (1976-85). He was also a member of numerous professional, veterans, fraternal and civic organizations. In Peru he served on the Peru School Board including as its president, as a member of the Peru Peru Zoning Board of Appeals and was an active St. Augustine’s Church parishioner.
Clinton County Legislator Peter Keenan and retired Plattsburgh City Detective Donald (Jeff) Pescia led the effort to name the courthouse in Kelley’s honor. Keenan expressed his thanks for everyone’s cooperation, especially the Town Board and Town Justices Jim Kirby and Lawrence Cabana. St. Augustine’s Church Pastor Alan Shnob recalled Kelley’s service to community and country saying, “We dedicate this building to his memory that all people who come here may always receive justice according to the laws of our town, state and country.”
Kelley’s son Tim and daughter Mary expressed gratitude on behalf of the Kelley family. Tim thanked everyone who contributed to the effort adding, “I’m sure Dad would be very honored. He loved this community very much and it’s quite an honor.” Mary stated, “Both Mom and Dad would have been pleased by this and it means a lot to us.”
Attorney William Russell, another of Kelley’s close friends, served under Kelley as Clinton County Assistant District Attorney. Russell read a letter from another Kelley friend, NYS Supreme Court Judge John Lahtinen. Judge Lahtinen stated, “I know of no person more deserving of this honor than Joe Kelley… Joe exhibited competence, integrity, civility and common sense in every position he held. Those qualities were readily recognizable to all.”
Russell said a plaque, the Board’s resolution and a photo of Joe Kelley will be placed in a prominent place in The Kelley Courthouse.
Posted: January 2nd, 2020 under Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments, Peru/Regional History, Town Board News.
Comment from Ryanj
Time January 4, 2020 at 10:23 am
Thank you for the kind words!
Comment from William Russell
Time January 3, 2020 at 10:28 am
wow Very impressive article with photos,data, and videos. Joe would be very proud. I will email to his family.