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NBC 5 May 19th COVID-19 Update

May 19, 2020
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By Wednesday, every state will have begun lifting stay-at-home measures. The last state to ease restrictions is Connecticut, which didn’t enact as strict of a shutdown as neighboring states. Still, the governor is concerned about the financial strain on businesses. “We’ll see whether people feel comfortable going back to restaurants. Maybe there will be more takeout. The world will change,” Gov. Ned Lamont said on CNN. Images from across the U.S. paint a pre-pandemic picture with people venturing out again, sometimes unmasked, in open bars and restaurants and gathering in parks and beaches.

Here’s what else you need to know about COVID-19 around the world:

• There have been more than 1.5 million coronavirus cases in the United States and more than 90,000 deaths.

• Canada and the United States have agreed to extend their agreement to keep the border closed to nonessential travel to June 21.

• The Treasury Department said Monday that it will start issuing some stimulus payments by sending a debit card to people in the mail.