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Presidential Primary Election Will Cost Thousands of Dollars

By John T. Ryan 

There’s only one local primary Democratic Party election in Clinton County. In the City of Plattsburgh there are three candidates vying for the mayoral nomination; however, this week all of Clinton County’s 18,000 registered Democrats should have received unsolicited New York State Presidential Primary Absentee Ballot Applications. 

Mailing 18,000 absentee ballot applications and an unknown number of ballots will cost big bucks. Clinton County Board of Elections Democratic Commissioner Mary Dwyer said, “I don’t have the exact figures, but it will cost a lot. We’ve applied and I believe we will receive funds from the federal government’s CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act).”  If for some reason, the CARES Act doesn’t cover the cost, county or state taxpayers will have to assume the burden.  

Historically less than 40% of registered voters cast primary ballots in presidential election years. In 2016, only 39% of Peru’s voters cast ballots. On April 20th the State Democratic Committee actually canceled the presidential primary citing COVID-19 dangers and Joe Biden’s being the presumptive party nominee. Bernie Sanders supporters quickly voiced disapproval fearing Sander’s loss of delegates and influence at the Democratic National Convention. Andrew Yang, another former presidential candidate agreed. He filed a lawsuit contending that the primary cancellation violated candidates’ rights. A U.S. District Court and an Appeals Court concurred with Yang’s argument. Governor Cuomo’s Cuomo Executive  Order 202.23 requires each county board of elections to mail an application to request an application ballot. 

Completed absentee applications must be received by the Board of Elections not later than June 16th.  Applicants were advised to “check temporary illness as the reason if you are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.”