Peru Federal Credit Union breaks ground on a new Keeseville Facility

Keeseville – For several years the Peru Federal Credit Union (PFCU) operated from a small building behind McDonald’s, which is now the Peru Court House. In July 2015, it opened its impressive new building at 700 Bear Swamp Road. In October 2018, it opened a new branch building in Au Sable Forks. Today, August 26, 2020, PFCU conducted a ground-breaking ceremony for another new building at the former site of Tops Market on Main Street in Keeseville. Credit Union CEO Maggie Pope welcomed the many Keeseville residents, credit union board members, business partners and staff to the ceremony saying, “We keep growing thanks to our members, staff, Board of Directors and everyone in the town.”
Maggie Pope has a basis for her optimism. The credit union’s membership and deposits have been growing steadily. Last year when TD Bank announced it was closing its Keeseville Branch office, PFCU responded by opening a small Keeseville office at 187 Pleasant St. opposite Arnold’s Store. Pope said, “Since opening in Keeseville, membership has increased by 25% and deposits have increased by $4 million.”
Tom Loreman, the leader of Keeseville’s Business Association, is delighted about the PFCU’s decision to build on Main St. He commented, “It’s very positive for our community.” Longtime PFCU Board member Ron Wilson expressed optimism and confidence in Pope’s leadership.
Removal of the Tops Market debris should be completed this week with construction expected to begin next week with a Grand Opening planned on or about January 1, 2021. Keeseville-based Steven Fuller Construction, which built the PFCU buildings in Peru and Au Sable Forks, will erect the new facility in Keeseville.
Editor’ Note: August 27, 2020 – This morning retired Peru High School teacher Jerry McGovern recalled the PFCU operating out of John Roach’s home, now Fran Pulsifer’s home on the Cold Spring Road; then to what used to be the Rustic on Route 22. John Roach founded the PFCU in 1963. John’s daughter Kathleen attended yesterday’s Keeseville ground-breaking.
Posted: August 26th, 2020 under Adirondack Region News, Business News, Community Events, General News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History.