Culver Hill 1814 engagement memorial ceremony on Sept. 10

2010 ceremony – Dennis Hulbert photo
Beekmantown – On Thursday, September 10, 2020, at 11:00 am, a memorial ceremony will take place at the Culver Hill Historical Park located on State Rt. 22, 2 miles north of the intersection of Rte. 374. On September 6, 1814, a large British army numbering in the thousands marched through Beekmantown on their way to occupy the Village of Plattsburgh. In an attempt to slow that advance, a small American force consisting of regular army and militia made a stand behind stonewalls on the rise of land known as Culver Hill. What ensued was a short but very intense skirmish that resulted in several dead and wounded, including the leading British officer, Lt. Col. James Willington.
Gary VanCour, Town Historian, stated, “At this annual ceremony, we recognize the dedication and sacrifices on both sides of this conflict which happened so long ago. This year will be somewhat different in that we will be conducting it according to NYS Health Guidelines. Therefore, masks are required as well as proper social distancing. Everyone’s understanding is greatly appreciated.” The ceremony is open to the public and parking is available in the park.
This event is co-sponsored by the Town of Beekmantown and the 1814 Commemoration, Inc.
Posted: September 2nd, 2020 under Community Events, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History.