Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Sept. 10th COVID-19 Update
September 10, 2020.
New Yorkers are complying with State guidelines across the board which has led to our low infection rate. We have taken care of one another. One important area vital to our continued public health is that all riders must wear a mask while on pubic transportation. While mask compliance in the MTA system is high, we must do all we can to prevent the spread and to make riders feel secure when taking the subway or using public transportation. No one is above the law and no single rider can put others at risk by refusing to wear a mask. Starting Monday, September 14th, the MTA will issue a $50 fine to riders who refuse to wear a mask on public transportation. Masks are always available at no cost if needed. There is no excuse for non-compliance. All New Yorkers must act responsibly and if a rider refuses to wear a mask — they will be fined. We are all in this together.

Chart of the Day: Total COVID hospitalizations continues to remain low
Here’s what else you need to know tonight:
1. New York has conducted over 9 million tests to date. We lead the nation in testing and remember, any New Yorker who wants a COVID test can get tested. If you are experiencing COVID symptoms or believe you were exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID, get tested. Find a testing site near you.
2. The total number of hospitalizations remains low. Yesterday, there were 482 total hospitalizations. Of the 76,813 tests reported yesterday, 757, or 0.98 percent, were positive. Sadly, we lost seven New Yorkers to the virus.
3. On Suicide Prevention Day, New York is continuing to raise awareness and offer mental health resources. I signed a proclamation recognizing September as Suicide Prevention Month and today, September 10, as Suicide Prevention Day in New York. The Office of Mental Health is launching a social media campaign to inform all New Yorkers that you can call the State’s Emotional Support Helpline at 1-833-863-9314 for free emotional support, consultations and referrals to a provider.
4. A new Virtual Taste NY Producer Showcase will kick off this October. This online business-to-business networking event will connect NY’s agricultural businesses with potential new buyers and foster new business relationships despite the pandemic. The program pilot will “take place” in the Adirondacks and Capital Region. Registration is now open for vendors and buyers.
5. The Long Island Railroad launched a new app to help you identify train capacity. Riders can use the app to help plan their commutes and identify which trains are the least crowded.
Tonight’s “Deep Breath Moment”: When schools closed back in March, Naples, NY resident Josh Gleason took up woodworking and decided to build a boat. Starting completely from scratch, the rising ninth-grader used materials from the local lumberyard and built a flat-bottom boat that he dubbed the “M.S. Liberty.” Set with a brass bell and working engine, the M.S. Liberty has sailed multiple times across Honeoye Lake, with Josh at the helm and his family members on board.
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Ever Upward,
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo
Posted: September 10th, 2020 under Heathcare News, State Government News.