Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Sept. 11th COVID-19 Update
September 11, 2020.
On a sunny, cloudless Tuesday morning nineteen years ago, New York, the nation and the world were changed forever. We will never forget the nearly three thousand lives lost during the September 11th terrorist attacks. We will never forget that a day marked by unfathomable loss was met with equal courage. Selfless heroes ran into hell without hesitation, leading tens of thousands to safety. Our brave first responders have our enduring respect and gratitude. The pain and suffering continue for too many, who in the aftermath of these attacks still battle 9/11-related illnesses. We stand with these heroes and in the fight to ensure they receive every bit of the funding and care they need and deserve.
In the midst of the COVID crisis, today is an especially poignant moment to commemorate and reflect on bravery and selflessness. Once again, our country is facing an unprecedented challenge. And once again, New Yorkers are responding with the same loving, caring and united spirit that has always defined us in our best days and darkest days alike. New York will build back stronger, and we will never cease to be the globe’s beacon of freedom, opportunity and democracy.
Photo of the Day: The Tribute in Light shines in commemoration of 9/11 (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
Here’s what else you need to know tonight:
1. The total number of hospitalizations remains low. Yesterday, there were 474 total hospitalizations. Of the 89,722 tests reported yesterday, 880, or 0.98 percent, were positive. Sadly, we lost five New Yorkers to the virus.
2. Additional unemployment benefits for eligible New Yorkers affected by COVID will begin going out next week. The New York Department of Labor will start distributing an additional $300 a week in unemployment, which replaced the expired weekly $600 Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) benefit that many New Yorkers had been receiving. The Department of Labor will be contacting New Yorkers who may need to submit additional certification to qualify for the benefit.
3. CARES funding will be directed to assist child care providers in reopening. Child care is essential to getting people back to work and $88.6 million in federal CARES funding will be made available to assist child care providers in the State. Starting next week, child care providers may apply for funding here. The application period will be open through December 31st.
4. On the 19th anniversary of 9/11, I signed legislation reconstituting the September 11 Workers Protection Task Force Bill. This Task Force, originally established in 2005, was created to obtain data regarding adverse health effects on workers who participated in rescue, recovery and response at Ground Zero and to make recommendations to improve access and scope of health programs assisting those workers and first responders. This measure will ensure these selfless men and women continue to receive the care they are owed.
Tonight’s “Deep Breath Moment”: It’s a time of year anticipated by many New Yorkers when the foliage begins changing into an array of beautiful reds, oranges and yellows. To track the changing colors of New York’s landscapes, I Love NY released their first Fall Foliage Report of the year, tracking the changing colors in several regions throughout the state. Travelers who wish to capture the colorful scenery must follow all public health and safety guidelines.

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Ever Upward,
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo
Posted: September 11th, 2020 under Heathcare News, State Government News.