Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Sept. 14th COVID-19 Update
The temperature is cooling and the leaves are starting to change colors — but while it feels like a new season, COVID remains with us. We can defeat this virus, but we need New Yorkers to stay vigilant. We all must continue to wear masks, socially distance, wash our hands and get tested. And with flu season around the corner, I want to remind New Yorkers to get a flu shot — because the last thing you want is to risk having the flu and COVID at the same time.

Photo of the Day: Levain Bakery in New York City uses a unique unit of measurement to encourage social distancing (Photo by Amy Koplin)
Here’s what else you need to know tonight:
1. The total number of hospitalizations remains low. Yesterday, there were 464 total hospitalizations. Of the 63,358 tests reported yesterday, 583, or 0.92 percent, were positive. Sadly, we lost four New Yorkers to the virus.
2. The MTA implemented their new mask enforcement policy. Starting today, the MTA will be issuing a $50 fine to riders who refuse to wear a mask on the subway or bus even after being asked to, and offered one. We need all New Yorkers to act responsibly and if riders refuse to wear a mask — they will be penalized.
3. Over the weekend, NY conducted a record high number of tests. On Saturday, 102,925 tests were reported to the state. Any New Yorkers can get tested at any of the 700 testing sites throughout the state. Find a testing site near you.
4. The “Mask Up America” Campaign has been seen over 22 million times. The national campaign, with videos featuring the voices of Billy Crystal, Morgan Freeman, Anthony Mackie and more, have aired on TVs across the country and reached millions. Watch all the ads here.
5. New York State is providing funding for workforce development. Across the State, 66 businesses, schools and community-based organizations have been awarded nearly $9 million to support job training opportunities for more than 3,600 New Yorkers adapting to the post-COVID economy. New York’s Workforce Development Initiative will help support workers who are helping our ongoing efforts to Build Back Better.
Tonight’s “Deep Breath Moment”: In Nassau County, Eisenhower Park’s splash park was open for a special occasion last weekend to let dogs frolic in the water. The first-ever “Water Bark 2020” event was filled with dogs splashing in fountains, along with an adoption event organized by the North Shore Animal League.
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Ever Upward,
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo
Posted: September 14th, 2020 under General News, Heathcare News, State Government News.