Clinton County September 28th COVID-19 Report: Lab-confirmed positive +4, Recovered +1, Active +3, Tested +1,262

Here are today’s Clinton County COVID-19 case updates. Changes in cases since our 9/25 report include: 4 additional lab-confirmed positive cases and 1 lab-confirmed positive case moved to recovered. There are currently 7 active COVID-19 cases in Clinton County. Please remember that it is common for a person to work in one county and live in another. Our reports include Clinton County residents only.
While contact tracing and investigations into recent cases are ongoing, most of these cases do not appear to be connected. COVID-19 IS IN OUR COMMUNITY. We urge residents to not become complacent. We must continue to physically distance (6 feet) ourselves from others, wear masks, wash our hands frequently, avoid crowds, and stay home when sick. Our desire for this pandemic to be over does not make it so. It is up to each and every one of us to continue doing our part to keep those at greatest risk in our community safe.
Posted: September 28th, 2020 under County Government News, Heathcare News, Peru/Regional History.