Local October 19th COVID-19 Report: Lab-confirmed positive +8, Recovered +3, Active Change +5, Currently Active 17

Here are today’s Clinton County COVID-19 case updates. Changes in cases since our 10/16 report include: 8 additional lab-confirmed positive cases and 3 individuals moved to recovered category.
There are currently 17 active COVID-19 cases in Clinton County.
Two of the newly reported cases are associated with a SUNY cluster, and previously reported by SUNY Plattsburgh. Some of the other cases have been linked to previous cases, but not all. Plattsburgh City School District has identified one case as a student who has been a remote-learner for the past several weeks and has had no known contact with other students. Contact tracing for cases is ongoing.
The NYS COVID-19 Report Card provides a breakdown of cases by school (including SUNY) and may be viewed at https://schoolcovidreportcard.health.ny.gov/.
Hospitalization data is available at https://forward.ny.gov/daily-hospitalization-summary-region.
Residents should continue to: wear a mask, physically distance (6 feet) from others, wash hands often, avoid large gatherings, and stay home when sick. These actions will help to prevent further spread of infection.
Posted: October 19th, 2020 under County Government News, General News, Heathcare News, Peru/Regional History.