Local COVID-19 October 20th Report: Lab-confirmed positive +17, Probable +1, Active +18 to 35, Tested +210

Clinton County COVID-19 Case Update
Plattsburgh, October 20, 2020. As of Tuesday morning, the Clinton County Health Department (CCHD) is reporting 35 active cases of COVID-19 in Clinton County. According to health officials, of those 35 cases, 18 are associated with a SUNY Plattsburgh cluster, 11 are associated with Clinton Correctional Facility, and 6 are other community residents.
“The upward trend in cases we are seeing is definitely concerning,” stated John Kanoza, Director of Public Health in Clinton County. “When you consider our entire population, numbers are still relatively low, but this is one of the largest spikes in cases we have seen, to date. Our concern is that numbers will continue to increase, resulting in an unsustainable burden to our medical system and potential shutdowns. We don’t want to see that happen, and we continue to work diligently in our mitigation efforts. But we can’t do this alone—we need your help.”
The Incident Command System (ICS) structure, central to all emergency responses, has been in place for the County’s COVID response since March 2020. The ICS is a best practice in emergency response, maximizing cooperation and coordination of many different agencies to provide the best community response. “The ICS provides an opportunity for us to share skills and resources, addressing issues and needs that arise as efficiently and effectively as possible. This is a structure that can be expanded or demobilized as needed. In light of our recent increase in cases and in anticipation of increased need, we’re expanding,” noted Mr. Kanoza. Clinton County’s ICS includes multiple County Departments, such as Public Health, Emergency Services, and Law Enforcement. In addition, the ICS team works closely with other community partners. “Our team has been in near constant communications with SUNY Plattsburgh over the past week, as well as NYS Department of Health, as we work together to keep our entire community as healthy and safe as possible.”
So, how can residents help? “We need residents partnering with us in this response. The small choices—to wear a mask, to keep your distance from others, to wash your hands (again), those are the things that can make a big difference in minimizing spread of this disease. These actions don’t eliminate all risk, but they do work in minimizing risk,” urged Mr. Kanoza.
Residents are encouraged to: wear a mask, physically distance themselves from others (6 feet), wash their hands often, avoid crowds and large gatherings, stay home when sick, and get a flu shot.
Posted: October 20th, 2020 under County Government News, Heathcare News, Peru/Regional History.