December 2020

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Archive for December 1st, 2020

Working families walk a thin line balancing remote learning and work | NCPR News

Source: Working families walk a thin line balancing remote learning and work | NCPR News

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Dec. 1 COVID-19 Update

December 1, 2020. December is here, and we are quickly moving toward a COVID-19 vaccine, which is great news. However, the federal government’s current vaccine distribution plan fails to address equity issues adequately. Today, joined by a coalition of groups, I issued a letter to the Department for Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar urging […]

Assemblyman Billy Jones Dc. 1 COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 December Updates Updates from Governor Cuomo Governor Andrew Cuomo announced yesterday a new winter plan for the COVID-19 pandemic. There are five targeted areas for this plan: Continue and Strengthen New York’s Targeted Micro-Cluster Strategy while Managing Hospital Capacity to Enhance and Equalize Care; Increase and Balance Testing Resources and Availability; Keep Schools Open […]

Assembly speaker’s chief of staff lived ‘opulent’ lifestyle from ‘unexplained wealth’

Source: Assembly speaker’s chief of staff lived ‘opulent’ lifestyle from ‘unexplained wealth’

Vermont was — briefly — the warmest place in the contiguous US to start December

Source: Vermont was — briefly — the warmest place in the contiguous US to start December

City & State Coronavirus Update co-sponsored by AT&T

Source: City & State Coronavirus Update co-sponsored by AT&T

Local Dec. 1 COVID-19 Report: Lab-confirmed positive +19, Recovered 0, Active +19, Tested +282

COVID-19 is in our community* Since our 11/30 update, 19 additional lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive cases have been reported. Where are people becoming infected with COVID-19 in Clinton County? Cases are not linked to one particular event or location but spread throughout the community. Some new cases were previously identified as close contacts of known positive […]

Albany Med nurses strike, CEO calls it ‘heartbreaking’

24-hour strike – Source: Albany Med nurses strike, CEO calls it ‘heartbreaking’

Albany County delivers grim news about rising coronavirus hospitalizations, cases

Source: Albany County delivers grim news about rising coronavirus hospitalizations, cases

DEC Releases Final Statewide Trout Stream Management Plan

Science-Based Plan with Angler Input will Improve Management of Wild and Stocked Trout Draft Regulations Proposed to Implement Key Plan Provisions Including Year-Round Catch-and-Release Season and Revising Regulations to Make Them Easier to Understand New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos today released the State’s final Trout Stream Management Plan that […]

Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, December 2nd

Spaghetti  Tossed Salad  Garlic Bread  Dessert  Served 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. take-outs only, at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru, NY

‘Year of the Republican woman’: How Stefanik helped bring record number of GOP women to Congress this year | News |

Source: ‘Year of the Republican woman’: How Stefanik helped bring record number of GOP women to Congress this year | News |

Governor Cuomo Announces Winter Plan to Combat COVID-19 Surge in New York State | Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

Source: Governor Cuomo Announces Winter Plan to Combat COVID-19 Surge in New York State | Governor Andrew M. Cuomo