December 2020

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Local Dec. 4 COVID-19 Report: Lab-confirmed positive +21, Recovered +2, Active 7, Tested +329

“Of our 75 active cases, 12 cases are among inmates at Clinton Correctional Facility. The remaining 63 cases are spread throughout our community.” 
COVID cases are continuing to increase in Clinton County, largely as a result of get-togethers and other interactions between families and friends. We continue to work diligently on contact tracing efforts, but we need your help. If you have been notified of an exposure and quarantined, stay home. If you are awaiting test results, stay home. If a contact tracer is calling you, answer the phone. We are working extremely hard to stop the spread of COVID in our community, but we cannot do this alone. Contact tracing does not work if residents are not truthful about their recent contacts or continue to interact with others while on isolation or quarantine. Thank you for all of your continued hard work.
Since our 12/3 update, 21 additional lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive cases have been reported and 2 individuals have moved to recovered. Of our 75 active cases, 12 cases are among inmates at Clinton Correctional Facility. The remaining 63 cases are spread throughout our community.
Protect yourself and your family by:
– wearing a face mask,
– keeping a physical distance (6 feet) from others,
– washing your hands often,
– avoiding crowds and gatherings,
– staying home when you’re sick, and
– getting your flu shot.
Here are links to some frequently requested data:
– NYS School Report Card (providing school and college data):
– Hospitalization data: As of 12/2, 29 individuals hospitalized (5 ICU) in the North Country Region.
– Percentage positive results:…. As of 12/2, 7-day average % positive in Clinton County = 2.2%
– Additional information:
Note: Our next case update will be provided on Monday, December 7.