December 2020

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Parents Celebrate The Holiday Season and The Class of 2021

By John T. Ryan
Peru – There’s a long line of cars transporting the Peru High Schol Class of 2021 at the school tonight, thanks to several senior class parents’ hard work. The parents raised funds to erect a teacher and staff thank you and appreciation sign, delivered cookies and Dunkin gift cards to teachers and staff, and decorated a tree with lights, garlands, and 143 beautiful blue ornaments. Each ornament is dedicated to a member of the Class of 2021. Tonight each senior had the opportunity to have their picture taken in front of the tree while several band and choir members provided music.
Michelle Bechard organized the parents. She explained, “I had an ache in my heart to try to do something for the seniors. We want to let them know we’re thinking of them and we hope the tree puts smiles on their faces. It feels good to do something that the kids can get excited about.” Bechard added, “We’re very grateful to Peru School Superintendent Dr. Thomas Palmer and all the Peru faculty and staff. They did everything possible to help out.” Dr. Palmer’s helping out included directing traffic at tonight’s drive-by.
There’s no electrical source at the tree’s location, so the school provided a generator for electric power. For that reason, the tree will only be lit tonight, this Friday evening and next Friday evening.