December 2020

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Fire Department Lighted Truck Plan

Here is the Plan for the Lighted Trucks parade. PLEASE SHARE.
We leave the station at about 6 pm.
December 16, Bearswamp to Rt. 9 turning around at Spitfire back to bear swamp end of Jabez Allen road to Sullivan, Telegraph Rd, Bruce Dr, Telegraph back to Fuller Rd to Lapham Mills, Valour Heights to Rock Rd, Lyons Rd, Northwood, and home on Dashnaw.
December 18, River Road to Barney downs onto Calkins to Reservoir rd back to Barney Downs Rd, Clark, Quaker Highlands down to Brand hollow to Eccles, Felton turning around at Babbie’s back to Connors, Peasleeville, Campsite, Peasleeville rd turning around at the community church back down onto Patent over to John Boswell, Brand Hollow to 22B back to station.
December 21, Rte 22 to Davin, Jarvis to River Road, Ormsby Circle, Calkins and the upper end of Barney Downs, Patent to upper Mannix to Old town and Quaker Springs, home across Washington, LaFleur, Jarvis to union and back to PFD.
December 23, Dashnaw, Haynes Development, down 22 to Renedette Rd, Arnold Rd, Brand Hollow Rd to Turnpike to Rockwell, Fox farm, Blake, Red Fox, Jane lane, 22B, Middle of Brand Hollow to the Turnpike and All of the Village.