December 2020

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NYSEG Project Will Bring Benefits, But NYSEG Failed to Communicate

By John T. Ryan
For the past several weeks, Peru residents have watched NYSEG contractors installing massive 70 ft. poles (15 ft. are underground) adjacent to one of our most highly traveled streets, the Bear Swamp Rd. Many residents have had questions about the nature of the work which has caused traffic delays, while property owners have expressed concern about their property being damaged. Other than writing to the residents being directly impacted, NYSEG has been silent as to the nature of the project.
Contacted by the Peru Gazette, Ridge Harris, Eastern New York Communications Manager for Avangrid, NYSEG’s parent company, described the project. “NYSEG is performing work to improve the electric system for customers in the area along Bear Swamp Road. Crews are working on upgrading transmission equipment in an effort to enhance the reliability of the system and better strengthen it against harsher, more frequently occurring weather events. In addition, the new transmission equipment will better accommodate the system’s capacity needs. The project will improve the electrical system by replacing existing transmission facilities, some of which dated back to the 1930s, including new poles and wires, including the installation of a new shield wire to provide greater protection from lightning strikes. Customers can call the project line at 833-551-4200 with questions.”
The project has damaged some residents’ property. At tonight’s Town Board meeting Town Supervisor Brandy McDonald said he received four calls from concerned residents. He responded by calling NYSEG at least six times. No one returned his calls.
Charis Duffina’s property at the corner of the Bear Swamp Rd. and Moore Dr. appears to have sustained the most damage. In October, NYSEG informed Duffina by letter that she might experience a temporary disruption of service; however, NYSEG did not tell her that heavy construction trucks would invade her front lawn and damage her property.
After the Peru Gazette sent photos of Duffina’s lawn damage to Ridge Harris he responded, “The construction work is scheduled to be completed by the end of January 2021, with additional site restorations taking place in the spring, once ground conditions are better suited for grading and seeding.”
Today a NYSEG representative also called Duffina to apologize for not being in contact with her. He assured her that NYSEG would repair the damage as soon as weather conditions permit.
Editor’s Note: Charis Duffina is related to the author of this story; however, the story was initiated prior to the author noticing the extensive damage to Duffina’s property.