December 2020

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Stewart’s Shops Holiday Match Totals Exceed $1 million and Going Strong with 11 Collection Days Left!

December 14, 2020 — Despite people using less cash, a national coin shortage and customers staying home more, Stewart’s Shops is happy to report that the Holiday Match Program is going strong and has hit the $1 million mark; and there’s 11 collections days left. As of Sunday, December 13th, donations collected total $525,104 and with the Stewart’s match, that’s over $1,050,000!

The Stewart’s Holiday Match Program has no administrative fees and donates 100% of donations received to charities in their market areas. The company even matches each donation dollar for dollar and has been doing so for the past 34 years, raising over $30 million for local charities.

Holiday Match funds are collected from Thanksgiving to Christmas Day in each of the 338 shops. Local childrens’ organizations are encouraged to apply for funding online at The deadline for submission is January 31, 2021. All groups applying must be locally based, benefit children under 18, and be a qualified, charitable 501c3 organization. A listing of all the local organizations that received funds last season is available online.