December 2020

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Important Health Message From The University of Vermont Health Network

Dear Patients and Community Members,
This week, the University of Vermont Health Network received its first shipments of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and we began vaccinating front-line health care workers across Vermont and Northern New York. A second vaccine from Moderna is likely to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration very soon.
With a vaccine comes the hope of changing the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our vaccination plans are guided by our commitment to provide a safe, efficient and equitable distribution process and by guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the states of Vermont and New York, which is why we are focusing first on front-line caregivers with the highest risk of exposure.
We don’t know when the vaccine will be available more broadly for the general public, partially depending on vaccination supply and distribution. We are committed to sharing the most up-to-date information with you at the soonest point possible so that you understand more about who will be eligible to receive the vaccine, when and where. Please watch for communications like this one in your email and go to the vaccination information pages on our website where we post timely updates.
As the pandemic continues to surge with rising numbers of COVID-19 infections here and around the country, it is so very important – especially during this holiday season – to stay vigilant and continue to do the things that help to stop the spread of COVID-19:
Wear a mask when you leave your house and when you are around others you don’t live with.
Keep your distance from others, with a general guideline of staying 6 feet apart.
Clean your hands often by washing with soap or using hand sanitizer.
Observe local and state guidelines around travel and quarantine.
And please remember:
Vaccination is the best weapon we have to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
The most important thing you can do right now is to continue to be vigilant and practice behaviors that we know can stop the spread. Encourage your family and friends to do this, too.
There is no need for you to call your health care provider about getting the vaccine. We are not making appointments or creating waiting lists for the vaccination of the general public.
COVID-19 vaccines are rigorously tested before they are released for public use. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are considered highly effective in reducing the rate of COVID-19 disease. While these vaccines are being developed at an accelerated pace, the fast-track process focuses on safety and effectiveness through vaccination trials involving thousands of participants.
We are vaccinating front-line caregivers first to keep them safe, healthy and available to provide care for those who need it.
Stay informed – watch for our emails, go to our vaccination information pages, follow your local UVMHN hospital on social media or check the web pages provided by Vermont and New York state governments.
On behalf of all of us at the UVM Health Network, thank you for choosing us for your care.