December 2020

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Assemblyman Jones honors North Country students selected as U.S. Presidential Scholar nominees

Assemblyman Billy Jones (D-Chateaugay Lake) announced that two North Country students – James Molinski and Taylor Samburgh – are among a select group of New York nominees for the U.S. Presidential Scholars awards. Since it was established in 1964, the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program recognizes and honors high school seniors for academic, creative, career and technical accomplishments.[1]

“Despite the challenges that 2020 has presented all of us, it’s important to take time to honor exemplary North Country students for their hard work and dedication,” said Jones. “I’m thrilled that James Molinski and Taylor Samburgh, two students I nominated for these prestigious programs, were recognized for their impressive work inside and outside of the classroom. I wish these two hardworking seniors the best of luck as they continue their educational journeys.”

A senior at Northeastern Clinton Central School, James Molinski excels in the classroom despite his challenging course load and is an accomplished athlete on his school’s track and field, basketball and soccer teams. James is one of 20 New York students nominated for the 2021 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program.

A senior at Saranac Central Lake School, Taylor Samburgh is one of only five students nominated for the 2021 U.S. Presidential Scholars Excellence in Career and Technical Education Program. In addition to receiving high marks in his classes, Taylor also spends his time attending the Natural Resource Science Program at the Adirondack Educational Center, where he has demonstrated an impressive level of technical competence.